Defined as the recording of the baby's heart rate and the mother's contractions during labor with the use of devices connected to the mother’s abdomen and to the baby, fetal monitoring can be done through external monitoring uses external belts around the mother's abdomen and or internal monitoring involves placing a monitor electrode on the baby's scalp. A thin tube or catheter is also inserted into the uterus via the vagina to monitor contractions.
It is said that during labor, the contractions of the uterus decrease the amount of blood flowing to the placenta, the organ that normally attaches to the uterus, connecting the developing fetus to the mother and supplies nutrition and oxygen to the fetus.
Also, these contractions also decrease the blood flow to the fetal umbilical cord, which inserts into the developing baby's belly button and connects the fetus to the placenta. The decreased blood flow cuts down on the amount of oxygen getting to the baby. Labor and delivery can be risky to the fetus under normal conditions, but presents even more risk if the placenta is not functioning fully. The majority of women in labor undergo fetal monitoring to ensure a good outcome, which is very common in most hospital settings.
Below are the lists of a delivering mother’s conditions that require fetal monitoring:
- when the mother is diagnosed with diabetes
- a condition in which the fetus is not growing at an appropriate rate called as intrauterine growth retardation
- past due pregnancy, of more than 42 weeks
- preeclampsia, a toxic condition of pregnancy that may cause increased blood pressure, excessive swelling in the arms or legs, abnormal kidney function and disturbances in vision
- eclampsia, a condition in which seizures develop in a woman with preeclampsia
- chronic hypertension in the mother
- multiple fetuses, such as twins or triplets
- use of epidural anesthesia, a type of anesthesia in which the pain medication is given directly into the compartment that contains the spinal cord
- use of drugs given to cause labor and delivery. These include oxytocin and prostaglandins.
- suspected fetal distress
- presence of green amniotic fluid due to meconium, or fetal bowel movement, which may cause meconium aspiration syndrome.
On the other hand, fetal monitoring is also used to evaluate the strength of uterine contractions in cases such as:
- preterm or early labor
- placenta abruptio, a condition in which the placenta detaches from the wall of the uterus at an inappropriately early time
- failure of labor to progress
Fetal monitoring plays a significant role in checking with the well-being of our babies about to be born, however, to ensure that we are getting accurate reports of the test results, choosing the right fetal monitor brand and choosing the right store may it be a physical or an online one, should be taken into consideration.
We suggest to hospital or labor facility clinics to try Cadence Dual Fetal Monitor with Twins FHR. It is a lightweight, space-saving baby heart monitor, manufactured by a trusted name in fetal monitoring devices, Edan Instruments. With its external and internal monitoring parameters ensure that it can be used up to and during the second stage labor.
A complete list of features and functions of this great baby heart monitor can be read at the link below:
You may want to buy it immediately, and then you can place your order online and pay securely using your credit card or Paypal account.
Read more fetal doppler and monitor reviews at the following websites:
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